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Com Adele - Million Years Ago piano only terbaru gratis di SitusLaguMp3. Album ini telah terjual sebanyak 31 juta kopi di seluruh dunia. Setelah jeda selama tiga tahun, Adele merilis album studio ketiganya yang berjudul 25 pada tahun 2015.
Album ini mendapatkan sertifikasi enam belas xi platinum di Britania Raya dan merupakan album terlaris keempat sepanjang sejarah di Britania Raya. Net, Download lagu Million Years Ago kecepatan tinggi Download Lagu gratis Million Years Ago - Download Lagu Terbaru - Website LaguDownload. Com, Dengarkan mp3 Adele - Million Years Ago piano only Indonexia atau dan tercepat Zip musik Adele - Million Years Ago piano only gratis terbaik - Lagu Indonesia Terbarudownload lagu kecepatan tinggi berkat website SitusLaguMp3. Selain itu, pada tahun 2012, ia berada di urutan kelima dalam daftar 100 Wanita Terhebat dalam Musik menurut versi VH1. Com Adele - Million Years Ago piano only terbaru con di SitusLaguMp3. Net Download MP3 lagu terbaru Million Years Ago - Download Mp3 - Website LaguDownload. Di Amerika Serikat, 21 menjadi album terlama yang menduduki puncak tangga album Billboard 200 sejak tahun 1985, serta mendapat sertifikasi Diamond dari RIAA. I only wanted to have fun Learning download lagu adele million years ago fly, learning to run I let my heart decide the way When I was young Deep down I must have always known That is would be inevitable To earn my stripes I'd have to pay And bear my soul I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the caballeros they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me who can stand the relection then they see I wish I could live a little more Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I tout the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother; I miss it download lagu adele million years ago Life was a party to be thrown But that was a When I walk around all of the streets Where I grew up and found my feet They can't look me in the eye It's like they're civil of me I try to think of things to say Like a joke or a memory But they don't recognize me now In the light of day I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the things they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me Who never became who they el they'd be I wish I could live a little more Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I miss the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother, I met it when Life was a party to be thrown But that was a A Million Years Ago download gratis - LaguDownload. Dengan penjualan lebih dari 100 juta rekaman, Adele merupakan salah satu penyanyi dengan penjualan terlaris di dunia. Adele merilis album studio keduanya, 21 pada awal tahun 2011.
Net Download MP3 lagu terbaru Million Years Ago - Download Mp3 - Website LaguDownload. I only wanted to have fun Learning to fly, learning to run I let my heart decide the way When I was young Deep down I must have always known That is would be inevitable To earn my stripes I'd have to pay And bear my soul I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the things they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me who can stand the relection then they see I wish I could live a little more Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I miss the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother; I miss it when Life was a party to be thrown But that was a When I walk around all of the streets Where I grew up and found my feet They can't look me in the eye It's like they're scared of me I try to think of things to say Like a joke or a memory But they don't recognize me now In the light of day I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the things they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me Who never became who they thought they'd be I wish I could live a little more Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I miss the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother, I miss it when Life was a party to be thrown But that was a A Million Years Ago download gratis - LaguDownload.
Adele - Million Years Ago lyrics - Download lagu Adele - Million Years Ago piano cover Mp3 - - Gudang lagu Indonesia 2018 Mp3 baru terbaik - SitusLaguMp3. I only wanted to have fun Learning to fly, learning to run I let my heart decide the way When I was young Deep down I must have always known That is would be inevitable To earn my stripes I'd have to pay And bear my soul I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the things they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me Who can spend the reflection that they see I wish I could live a little more Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I miss the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother; I miss it when Life was a party to be thrown But that was a million years ago When I walk around all of the streets Where I grew up and found my feet They can't look me in the eye It's like they're scared of me I try to think of things to say Like a joke or a memory But they don't recognize me now In the light of day I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the things they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me Who never became who they thought they'd be I wish I could live a little more Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I miss the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother, I miss it when Life was a party to be thrown But that was a million years ago A million years ago.
Lulus dari BRIT School pada tahun 2006, Adel pertama kali mendapatkan kontrak rekaman oleh XL Recordings setelah seorang teman mengunggah demo lagunya di MySpace pada tahun yang sama. Album debutnya, 19, yang dirilis pada tahun 2008 berhasil meraih kesuksesan baik secara komersial maupun kritikal. Album ini menerima sertifikasi tujuh kali platinum di Britania Raya dan platinum ganda di Amerika Serikat. Kemunculannya dalam program Saturday Night Live pada penghujung tahun 2008 semakin mendorong kariernya di Amerika Serikat. Pada Penghargaan Tahunan Grammy ke-51 pada tahun 2009, Adele menerima penghargaan untuk kategori Pendatang Baru Terbaik dan Penampilan Vokal Pop Wanita Terbaik. Adele merilis album studio keduanya, 21 pada awal tahun 2011. Album ini menerima sambutan baik dan berhasil melampaui kesuksesan album debutnya, serta mengantarkan Adele memboyong banyak penghargaan pada tahun 2012, termasuk enam Penghargaan Grammy, dua penghargaan Brit Awards dan tiga penghargaan American Music Awards. Album ini mendapatkan sertifikasi enam belas kali platinum di Britania Raya dan merupakan album terlaris keempat sepanjang sejarah di Britania Raya. Di Amerika Serikat, 21 menjadi album terlama yang menduduki puncak tangga album Billboard 200 sejak tahun 1985, serta mendapat sertifikasi Diamond dari RIAA. Album ini telah terjual sebanyak 31 juta kopi di seluruh dunia. Kesuksesan 21 menorehkan sejumlah rekor dunia untuk Adele di Guinness Book of World Records. Adele adalah penyanyi wanita pertama dalam sejarah Billboard Hot 100 yang tiga singelnya berhasil masuk top 10 secara bersamaan dan penyanyi wanita pertama yang secara bersamaan memiliki dua album yang bertengger di lima teratas Billboard 200 dan dua singel di lima teratas Billboard Hot 100. Lagu ini sukses membawa pulang Penghargaan Akademi, Penghargaan Grammy dan Penghargaan Golden Globe. Setelah jeda selama tiga tahun, Adele merilis album studio ketiganya yang berjudul 25 pada tahun 2015. Selain itu, pada tahun 2012, ia berada di urutan kelima dalam daftar 100 Wanita Terhebat dalam Musik menurut versi VH1. Majalah Time menyebutnya sebagai salah satu orang paling berpengaruh di dunia pada tahun 2012 dan 2016. Dengan penjualan lebih dari 100 juta rekaman, Adele merupakan salah satu penyanyi dengan penjualan terlaris di dunia.